Thursday, September 6, 2012

Now that's a nice... structure (GXR A16)

One thing I love about Japan, and Tokyo in particular, is the massive variety of building styles you can find here. There is the ultra new, post post modern (I guess) that reminds you of downtown Hong Kong.

Then you find even more odd examples of buildings-as-art, things that look like they're almost defying gravity, or are a statement about what a building might look like as it collapses.

Block housing comes in many shapes, from old post-war danchi style housing:

To a more modern reinterpretation. It's the same basic idea but angled down the road.

Sometimes the renovation of buildings seems to take on more character than the structures they house.

And often the structure itself tells next to nothing about function. My gut would say this is a hotel from around 1970. My gut was wrong.

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