Saturday, September 8, 2012

Japan cm of the week - Kaseifu no Jones

OK, this is just too good to pass up. This week's commercial is a collaboration between Softbank and Boss, and it is about as strange and awesome as a Japanese commercial can get.

You see, in addition to occasionally appearing in movies, Tommy Lee Jones has been in about a billion Japanese commercials for Boss can coffees where he plays Jones, an alien sent to learn about the Earth while doing odd jobs and drinking coffee. All fun commercials. Here is I think the first of the batch, with English subtitles.

This is combined with the "white family," a Japanese idol (Aya Ueto), American model/actor Dante Carver, their mother, and their father a white dog (who it was revealed used to not be a dog, I guess). They are mostly funny and have a ton of guest appearances from pretty big actors, and definitely played a part in Softbank's rise (oh, and the fact that they were the first to get the iPhone in Japan, but you know).

And to make the crossover a bit more confusing funny, they're having the Jones alien do an impersonation of Nanako Matshushima's character in the wildly popular Kaseifu no Mita.

Oh, and if you want to see something really odd, here is a mashup of Mita and the AC cm that ran nonstop after the 3/11 earthquake.

Here are the other commercials in the Boss x white family series. Enjoy.

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