Thursday, April 11, 2013

Musings (Part 5)


So what's new in the world these days? Here are my thoughts on some of the issues I've seen in Japan lately, plus some random stuff that popped into my head and you (my lucky readers) get a brief glimpse into my brain.
  • In the news lately: Is it just me or do the missile trucks they show North Korea parading around on TV look more like something Kim Jong Un put together in an afternoon with his dad than actual weapons? It's like he got the My First Nuclear Missile Truck™set for Christmas and now he needs to show it off.
  • Just like food always tastes better when you're hungry and beer tastes best after a hot day outside, trip food totally rules. Unless you buy it after a long road trip and your judgement is clouded by fatigue and sticky legs from sitting in a car for 12 hours. Same goes with the food you buy after a plane ride. It will almost always blow, and ruin your guts the next day.
  • I don't think the 5 second rule comes from people desperately wanting to bend the rules of sanitation to save a dropped piece of chocolate. It's because we secretly know that the dirtiest place in the house is the inside of our mouth anyway, so what does a little more dust matter?
  • Something I've noticed as I get older. Around age 30 or so you stop hurting yourself. I'm not talking about psychologically or anything metaphorical. I mean, you stop injuring yourself. I got my finger caught in a door a few weeks ago (only partially my fault) and it hit me that it was probably the first time in almost a decade that I'd done something that stupid.
  • Same goes for spills, trips, running out of gas, breaking dishes or a lot of little things like that. It seems like they don't just happen less and less often as you get older. It's more like a cut off, and when they do happen you really notice it as being out of character.
  • Something else I've noticed over the years. I don't think it's an ageing thing, but it could be. As I've lived in Japan longer and longer I really don't mind the heat at all. But at the same time winter cold gets on my nerves more each year. Hmm, maybe it is about age. Maybe that's why people always want to move somewhere hot when they retire.
OK, that's a nice place to stop for now. Have a good one. Oh, and if you want to read more of my short mind-nuggets of almost wisdom, click on the Musings tab in the menu above.

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