Saturday, April 6, 2013

Japan cm of the week - wow, body wash!

This has got to be one of the best body wash ads I've ever seen.

The commercial above is an ad for Hilaris' Body Wash. Not only is it nice, simple, sexy but not in your face, it also stars two actresses I am fans of but alas don't get enough attention.

The blonde is Anna Tsuchiya (土屋アンナ), who has appeared in movies and TV dramas, most memorably I'd say in her early film Kamizake Girls (下妻物語 - Shimotsuma Monogatari in Japanese), and more recently in the visually very unique Sakuran (さくらん - the Japanese page is here and is pretty cool). She also does a lot of music and recently appears mostly as a model in TV commercials.

The brunette is Kyoko Hasegawa (長谷川京子). She is currently appearing in Yae no Sakura on NHK as Ura Yamamoto in a not so big but important role. I've always felt she's done well in everything I've seen her in, but outside of TV spots she hasn't gotten that big push that would give her career a real start.

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