Sunday, October 14, 2012

Japan cm of the week Miho Kanno gobs down mayo

The talented actress Miho Kanno (菅野美穂) shows off her chops here (hyuk hyuk), gobbling down baked potatoes covered in mayonnaise. This commercial of course wouldn't be nearly as good without Miho looking so honestly enthusiastic about it, but that's what I love about Japanese cm's: everyone always gives their all, no matter how silly it all really is.

The commercial is for Ajinomoto's Pure Select mayo. And after seeing it I hopped over to their website (here, all in Japanese), and I have to say for a big company they have a decent site, with links to not just business stuff, but also recipes and all kinds of things. Here's a link to more of their commercials.

Oh, and tho I haven't tried their mayo myself, Ajimoto's gyoza are pretty awesome, better tasting than the bland gyoza you get at a lot of Chinese restaurants IMO.

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