Wednesday, September 26, 2012

1 year and then some

So what's happening in your neck of the world this week? It's been a good week for me - I appeared on national TV for the first time ever last Wednesday. The show is called Kaden no Gakkou (家電の学校 - airs on BS Japan Wed nights at 9pm), and is a talk variety program all about gadgets and technology - right up my alley.

I went to Tokyo at the end of August and went to a TV studio and was interviewed with 4 other foreigners for a bit over 2 hours about our opinions on electronics, home appliances and other stuff. It was a lot of fun and was an interesting up-close look at Japanese TV. So yes, I was in nerd heaven, and in exchange for my time I got to meet some people I've seen on TV and talk with like-minded people living in Japan.

Here's a YouTube clip from the show where they talk about records. It's actually a pretty cool show staring the comedian/actor/all around nice guy Yoshimi Tokui.

Also this week marks the 1 year anniversary of my massive diet. I haven't really mentioned it on the blog, but over the years your happy man in Chiba has put on quite a bit of a gut. I had always been pretty thin through high school, put on some pounds in college but lost it again after. But the last 6 years especially I just kind of chunked out. The final straw was when I visited my college roommate over the summer last year and he remarked that I hadn't changed at all... and I realized I'd blimped up to almost the exact same weight I was Sophmore year.

So when I got back to Japan I got to work - eating less but also eating healthier, regular real exercise, and watching what I drink. And it worked. I lost 10 lbs. the first month, then another 10 by January. I slid back up the scales a bit here and there, but for the most part have kept stable at my current weight since. And it's really nice. In addition to compliments I've got about looking younger and healthier, it's just awesome being able to shop for clothes and not feel like I've let myself go to shit. And of course it's nice to be able to stand without constantly sucking in my gut.

So that's all for now. Just wanted to drop in and make a quick update.

Oh, and one other thing. I also found a way to upload pics to blogger in higher resolution, so if anyone wants to and has the time, you might scroll back through some of my older posts to look at pics. I'll be hitting a post or two a day to re-upload my images at the new higher resolution.


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