Monday, March 14, 2016

Japan CM of the week - The Neighbor is a HUNK!

OK, it's been a while but I'm back. This last several months have been busy. Maybe I should correct that and say the last year has been busy.

As some of you may know I moved to Tokyo. I'm not going to change the blog name (again, ahem), but I will probably shift the focus to more Tokyo related stuff.

I've also had about the most eventful year in my life since... well, since ever. And it's all been great. Among other things I passed the N1 Japanese Language Proficiency Test - something I've been meaning to do for years - but I've also had a lot of great things happen in both my personal and professional life. So things are good.

So let me now get back to the point of this post - the commercial. Today's CM is a favorite of mine. It also kind of fits in with the fact that I moved (for the first time in 12 years).

It's an ad for Ii Heya Net (いい部屋ネット), a realty agency. They've made a bunch of commercials in this line, all featuring catchy songs and some quirky dancing. The one at the top of this post is about the best. At the end of the song, she sings, "And the guy next door is so handsome. WOW!" You gotta love it.

Oh, by the way, if you're wondering the main girl in the ad is Hinako Sakurai (桜井日奈子). And if you'd like to see more of these ads you can find them on II Heya Net's pages: いい部屋ネット and their commercial page: いい部屋ネット CM.

Have a great day everyone, and see you soon!

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