Saturday, February 15, 2014

Japan cm of the week - Headbanging

This week's commercial is cool. No, it doesn't exactly tell you what they're selling, and no, it's not easy to see what the exact connection with her having a hard head and credit cards... not really anyway, but that doesn't make it a bad commercial.

This ad is for Saison Card and features Rina Takeda, 22 year old actress and black belt martial artist (of Ryukyu Shorin-ryu Karate). I'm not sure how much of it is real and how much is special effects, but this is one of the few times when you kinda think she might be doing it for real.

It's a well-shot commercial with nice colors, timing and attention to detail - near the end look at the stack of blocks in the background - and shows once again that advertisement can be art by itself.

If you want to see more of their ads, check out Saison's YouTube page or their homepage here: Saison Card.

Or, if you're more interested in Takeda, her blog can be found here: りなの「黙りな」日記 (in Japanese - not much info) or look on YouTube for videos - there are some up of her doing some karate but most look almost like idol stuff.

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