Friday, February 22, 2013

Japan cm of the week - Kyary!!

Today we have another au commercial featuring some rocker lighting up the city, though this time it's not a creepy Santa DJ - this time we get a little Kyary Pamyu Pamyu magic.

The song is Ninjari Bang Bang (にんじゃりばんばん), Kyary's 5th single. She does a ton of TV commercials these days, enough to make me almost wonder if the post-AKB world we're entering will have more unique talents like her in it (and here I use the word to mean someone with talent, not the talento you see on TV all the time). Kyary has an integrity to her persona, fans and music that's hard to find these days. Or maybe her success is more a sign of the waning popularity of standard idols than anything else.

Anyway, if you want to see more of her here's a post of mine with her video Fashion Monster. Or visit her oddly subdued site by clicking on her name under the video.

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