Friday, October 26, 2012

Japan cm of the week - Kaela Kimura and her EOS M

So what do we have on the air this week?

It would of course be Canon's commercial for their new EOS M mirrorless cam.

Not to disparage the system at all - I hear from early reports that it takes really nice pictures - but this commercial doesn't really seem to do it much justice. I mean, why bother to show off your new mirrorless system when you're going to have the model showing it using mostly big-ass lenses designed for your larger DSLR system cams (and pretty damn expensive ones at that)?

Why not more focus on the idea that the camera is not only small but still packs a large APS-C sensor capable of great pics? And focus on its ease of use. Yes, there is a very strong "for girls" feel to this commercial, but it still seems to be shooting for an odd target.

Oh, and the model here is Kaela Kimura (木村 カエラ - click here for her blog), a very quirky cute musician who does a lot of this and that and has a very unique style. Perfect for this ad, I'd say.

And also for the record, I was thinking of maybe picking up one when they came out, but Canon's choice to put in a touch screen to control most features instead of dedicated dials makes me have to give the camera a pass. The best thing IMO about multiple dedicated dials is being able to modify settings quickly without changing your hand placement on the cam, which lets you get back to shooting fast.

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